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Q: What is the swearing of the president?
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Related questions

Who was the president from PA that was arrested for swearing?

James Buchanan is the only President from PA, but I have never heard that he was arrested for swearing or anything else.

When is the swearing in of the President Elect Obama?

On January 20th

What was the original day for swearing in of the president?

unknown!!! unknown!!!

What was the first swearing of the president in New York called?


Why does the president have to use a bible to take oath?

He's swearing to god that he will do his best as president.

Who was theFirst president swearing in recorded in motion picture?

I wonder who?!?!

Do you need tickets to see the president's swearing in?

no, you can stand out in the open

Is it important to have the old president present during the swearing in?


What was the red bible used in the swearing in of President Obama?

It was Abraham Lincoln's Bible.

When was US President swearing in changed from March to April?

In 1945, when Harry Turman was sweared in.

What is the most popular American event?

The swearing in of the President of the United States. or The Super Bowl.

What is The swearing in of a new president Lyndon Baines Johnson?

Once word reached him that JFK had been shot the Vice president was sworn in to replace JFK. The swearing in occurred aboard Air Force one while LBJ was in route to Texas.