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The letter 'L' is silent in the word 'could'.

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Q: What is the silent letter of could?
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The letter which is silent in the word folk is the letter L.

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In one pronunciation (mem-reez) the O is silent. In the other (mem-uh-reez) it is not.The I could be considered "silent" because the vowel pair IE is pronounced E.

What is the silent letter in the word scene?

The final E is silent. The letter pair SC has an S sound, so C could be considered "silent" -- however, either an S alone or a C alone could have the S sound when follow by E, as in seen or centennial.

What are the silent letter in the word science?

The first letter C could be considered silent in the sense that it doesn't really change the pronunciation of the S that it follows; the final E is also silent. You could get the same pronunciation if the word was spelled siens. But we're used to science.

Does Balk Have A Silent Letter?

No, the word "Balk" does not have a silent letter. Each letter is pronounced when saying the word.

Which letter is silent in answer?

The 'w' is silent in the word "answer".