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Due to gravity, all projectiles will form an "arc" (curve) while in flight; but will not be visiable to the eye (only by studying the target). Howitzers & mortars have visable arcs, they are designed for indirect fire (target cannot be seen) and can lob shells over hills & forests (jungles). Guns are direct fire cannons and have the least arc; these are predominately mounted on warships. Naval guns (also known as rifles) aim at their target (another warship) and fire, just like an infantryman does with his rifle. The longer the range, the more arc.

Tank guns are copied from naval guns and are fired the same way; direct fire. The first tank guns were naval guns; as only the navy had cannon capable of being fired from within an enclosed turret. The army only had "field pieces" which rolled backwards upon firing (later they had recoil mechanisms).

In addition, traditional cannonballs (as fired from old-style muzzel-loading pieces such at the prototypical Napoleon field piece) were fired in particular manner when used against infantry targets. The basic trajectory was a flat arc, as normal for a ballistic object. However, as the target was a mass of infantry, it was found that the way to produce the most casualties was to "skip" the cannonball into the infantry - that is, rather than fire the cannonball so as to try to directly hit the infantry mass, the point was to allow the cannonball to hit several dozen yards in advance of the infantry. If the ground was sufficiently firm, the velocity and spin on the cannonball would make it bounce, in a manner similar to a flat stone being skipped across a pond. This meant that the cannonball would cut a large path through the infantry formation, rather than just hitting a small number of people. In this context, the shape of the cannonball's tragectory is a series of connected arches, rather than a single arch from cannon to target.

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Collectors want to see the written provenance associated with your antique cannon balls. This can make or break their collectibility.

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Trajectory is the path a projectile follows Parabola is the shape of this path

Does a cannon ball fly straight when fired?

No, a cannonball does not fly straight when fired. The force of gravity will cause the cannonball to follow a parabolic trajectory, curving downward towards the ground due to the effects of gravity. The angle at which the cannon is fired will also affect the trajectory of the cannonball.

Why dont cannon balls explode when shot out OF CANNON?

Cannon balls are made of iron, which is a high-stress material. A high-stress material resists breaking. Because the cannon has an open end, and the iron ball resists being torn apart, the cannon ball is shot out instead.

How big are cannon balls?

Depending on the CANNON model it may vary.

How are cannon balls made you read in the paper that a man was killed when an old cannon ball blew up?

Cannon balls would not blow up. The newspaper must have gotten something wrong - maybe they meant to say a mine blew up. Cannon balls are solid metal - they do damage when the cannon blows them out at high speed like a bullet. Cannon balls can explode, during the civil war era cannon balls were in use that were just a hallow shell of metal and had gun powder and pieces of metal on the inside an di fuse was placed in the cannon ball and when fired the fuse would ignite and then would burn the fuse and ignite the gun powder inside the cannon ball. There were also some cannon balls that would explode on impact using friction strips on the inside that would create a spark and ignite the gun powder on the inside. So yes cannon balls can explode, the type of cannon ball the person above me is referring to is called solid shot, there are a lot other types out there like cannister, and grape shot, and connical shaped rounds and even hexagonal shaped rounds just to name a few, but yes cannon balls can explode

What is the size of a cannon ball?

the size of the cannon ball depends on the size of the cannon. civil war cannons had cannon balls about the size of a child's head, aprox 30cm across

How do you make cannon balls in runescape?

this is a fairly easy question. make a steel bar ( smelt iron and 2 coal ) and use the steel bar on the furnace ( NOTE: remember to have an ammo mould ) and choose the amount of bars to make the cannon balls. each bar makes 4 cannon balls.