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senate seats are never up for reelection at the same time

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Q: What is the senate when all of its seats are never up for election at the same time?
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How many congressional seats are up for election this year?

All 441 seats in the House of Representatives will be up for election, including all 435 voting seats and all 6 non-voting seats. 33 of the 100 seats in the Senate will also be up for election. As such, 474 (87.6%) of the 541 seats in Congress will be up for election in the 2012 federal cycle.

All seats are never up for election at the same time?

Continuous Body

What fraction of the senate is up for election every two years?

It is said to be only a third of them -33 to 34- expire every two years, that is why the Senate is also called a continuous body, because all its seats are never up for election at the same time.

How many seats did the Democrats win in the 2008 election?

. The Republicans lost eight Senate seats in the 2008 election--the same number they won back this week--and another 6 seats in the previous election in 2006. In 2004, the Republicans held control of the Presidency, the Senate and the House. In the six years since, the voters have drastically REDUCED their role in the federal government.

What is a Continous Body?

Governing unit whose seats are never all up for election at the same time.

How often does the senate hold an election?

United States Senators serve six-year terms that are staggered, so that every two years, a third of all Senate seats would be up for election.

Are the elections for the Senate and House of Representatives held in the same year?

Yes, elections for the Senate and House of Representatives are held in the same year. Congressional elections in the United States take place every two years, with all seats in the House of Representatives up for election and one-third of the seats in the Senate. These elections typically occur in even-numbered years.

Is the same party always in charge of the US Senate?

The political party CAN in charge of the US Senate CAN change with each election, or it can remain whatever it was pre-election. So, it is incorrect that the same party is forever in charge of the Senate; it depends on the election results each time.

How often are senitors elected?

Assuming you're talking about the US federal government ... It's a little complicated.Senators serve for six-year terms, but the terms are staggered so that every two years, about one-third of the senate seats are up for election. They're also staggered so that both seats for any given state are not up for election the same year.

Why does only one third of the senators membership come up for election every two years?

It has to do with continuity. If you had them all elected at the same time, there would be the risk of the Senate at one point consisting of all newly elected and totally inexperienced Senators, which would severely disrupt the proper functioning of the Senate. Another reason is to avoid that both seats of a State in the Senate become vacant at the same time.

Is the number of senates seats held by each state the same as the number of house seats?

No. The Senate has 100 members while the House has 435 members.

How often do senators run for office?

Every two years, in every even-numbered year, about one third of all Senate seats, representing about two thirds of all of the states, come up for election. No one state elects both of their U.S. Senators in the same years, except in some cases when a special election is required to fill a vacancy. Senators whose seats come up for election in 2014 are known as Class 2 Senators, Senators whose seats come up for election in 2016 are known as Class 3 Senators, and Senators whose seats come up for election in 2018 are known as Class 1 Senators.