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Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting.

Article 1 Sect 5

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Q: What is the rule reguarding adjournment for congress?
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What is it called when Congress stops meeting?


If the two houses of congress cannot agree on adjournment who sets the time?

The president sets the time if the two houses of Congress cannot agree on adjournment. This power is given to the president by the Constitution.

If the two houses of Congress do not agree in adjournment who sets the time?

The President.

Is US Congress in session?

Yes. Oct 30 is target adjournment.

What powers does congress have reguarding taxes?

no tax duty shall be laid on the articles exported from any state.

What are the legislative duties of the President?

1)to recommend for congressional consideration the measures considered to be necessary; 2) to call special sessions of congress - or of either house - when the need arises ;and 3) to fix for the adjournment of congress when the two houses cannot agree upon a date for adjournment.

When can the President prorogue a session of Congress?

The president has the power to prorogue a session of congress. This can happen only if two houses cannot agree on a date for adjournment.

What happens if congress passes a bill two weeks before adjournment?

nobody knows but can you find out?if you can then write it on this page

The president can pocket veto a bill only if?

The President can use a pocket veto on a bill if Congress is adjournment. Article 1, Section 7 of the U.S. Constitution states: If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten days ...the same shall be a Law...unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its return.

What are the restrictions on adjournment of either house of congress?

The U.S. Constitution grants each house of Congress the authority to determine its own rules and procedures, including those related to adjournment. However, both houses must agree on the timing of adjournment, unless it is an occasion when they cannot agree and a concurrent resolution is passed to set a specific date for adjournment. Furthermore, one house cannot adjourn for more than three days without the consent of the other house, except when both houses agree on a different adjournment period.

When may congress ajourn?

Congress may adjourn when the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader agree to do so, or when a majority of members in both chambers vote to adjourn. Typically, Congress adjourns at the end of each legislative session, but can also adjourn for shorter periods of time, such as for holidays or recesses. Ultimately, the timing of adjournment is determined by the legislative business and priorities of Congress.

What is adjournment?

An adjournment is the act of adjourning, or postponing something until a later date.