

Best Answer
  1. Dee-OXy , RYE-bo-NEW-clee-ik
  2. or: dee-OXy , RYE-bow NU-clee- iK
  3. or Deoxecyribo-Nuclaic

Or you can just say DNA.

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Q: What is the right way to pronounce deoxyribonucleic acid?
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Related questions

What is another way to say DNA?

Another way to say DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid.

What is the wright way to pronounce Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid?

Dee-ox-ee-rai-bo-new-clay/clee-ik A-sid You can either choose clay or clee, different ways to pronounce.

What are the initials of the chemical deoxyribonucleic acid?

The abbreviation is DNA from deoxyribonucleic acid.

Is deoxyribonucleic acid produced by ribonucleic acid?

No, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is not produced by ribonucleic acid (RNA). DNA is the genetic material that stores and carries the genetic information of an organism, while RNA is involved in various cellular processes including protein synthesis. DNA is typically transcribed into RNA, not the other way around.

How do you pronounce l'occitane?

the way you spell it was right

How do you pronounce weimaraner?

You can pronounce it why-mer-rain-er other way too but this is right

What are some words that describe DNA?

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a biological molecule that contains the genetic code that determines the form and function of all living organisms (except RNA viruses). The genetic information in DNA contains the precise instructions for constructing components of cells, and it is this by following these instructions that living organisms have evolved and developed to look and operate the way they do. Therefore, words that embody the essence of DNA include heredity, transcription genetic code, genetic instructions, biological form and function, so on and so forth. Also, words such as double helix and polymer backbone describe the structure of DNA molecules, which is largely responsible for producing the molecular interactions that dictate the process by which DNA is replicated and transcribed.

How do you spell DNA the scientific way?

DNA is spelled D-E-O-X-Y-R-I-B-O-N-U-C-L-E-I-C A-C-I-D.

All the instruction for a cell's activity are contain in its hereditary material. also know as what?

DNA(Deoxyribonucleic acid)It is what makes all living organisms look the the way they do.It looks something like this:(=)(=)(=)(=)...only all twisty...

What does cloning an animal refer to?

Cloning an animal refers to using an animal's DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid; its genetic material) to be able to recreate the 'same animal' that will grow and develop in the same way as the original, to produce an exact 'copy' of the original organism.

How do you pronounce fun in German?

We pronounce it the same way you do.

How do you pronounce Kyrah?

You pronounce Kyrah like Kee-ruh. Another way to pronounce it is Ki-ruh. Either way I like it. I would pronounce it the first way.