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The next rank below that is Lieutenant Colonel. Below that is Major. Below that is Captain. Below that is First Lieutenant, and below that is Second Lieutenant. That's the Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force.

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The next rank above Corporal in most military forces would be Sergeant.

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Q: What is the rank just above corporal?
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Who is above a lieutenant corporal?

There is no such rank as Lieutenant Corporal.

In the army what is the rank above a private?

Corporal, a two-striper, but a corporal is an NCO like a sergeant, and a private is not. You "skipped" a rank! Private First Class is directly above a private

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What is the rank down form sergeant?

In the US Army, there's two ranks - Specialist, and Corporal. In the US Marines, it's just Corporal. The Specialist rank in the Army is not an NCO rank, whereas Corporal is.

Who is higher in rank sergeant or corporal?

No. Corporal is a lower rank than Sergeant.

What rank is above a private first class?

Specialist or Corporal. Both are E-4.

How do you spell corporal?

The correct spelling is corporal, as in the rank of corporal and corporal punishment.

What does a corporal do in war?

A corporal is a rank in the army

What is a Lance Corporal?

Lance Corporal is a military rank, used by many armed forces worldwide, and also by some police forces and other uniformed organizations. It is below the rank of Corporal, and is typically the lowest Non-commissioned officer. Now, that is the difition but the lance corporals that I have seen were in the Marines. The Army has the Private first class insted. They both have the paygrade E3.

Under AR 600-8-19 is a Corpal a NCO?

No, a Corporal (Corpal) is not considered a Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) by the U.S. Army. In the Army, the NCO ranks start from Sergeant and above. A Corporal is an enlisted rank below the ranks of Sergeant.

What does it mean to be a specialist in the army?

Specialist is a rank - Pay Grade E-4 - which is classed as lower enlisted. Pay is equal to that of a Corporal, but Corporal is the higher rank of the two (Corporal is a noncommissioned officer rank, Specialist is not).

What is an E4 in the Marine Corps?

Corporal. Note: An E3 in the Marine Corps is called a lance corporal; a rank which to the best of my knowledge only exists in the British Army and the US Marines. A lance corporal is the highest enlisted rank, and a corporal is the lowest non-commissioned officer rank.