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The purpose of a Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) or Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) is to determine if a soldier should be retained in his or her present MOS or even if he or she should be retained in the Army. It is a formal process to evaluate a soldier's ability to perform their military specialty to standard.

Here are the general procedure for the MEB/PEB:

  • The soldier's immediate commander (or supervisor, if the soldier is senior to the commander) writes an evaluation concerning the soldier's abilities to perfom a full range of duties.
  • The soldier receives appropriate conseling related to the evaluation.
  • The board (five voting members and a personnel advisor) gathers all required documents and reviews the documents to determine if they will review the case.
  • The soldier is notified of the hearing and given the opportunity to appear (generally required, unless waived).
  • The board reviews documents and discusses the situation with the soldier. The board may request additional people appear before the board to discuss the case.
  • The board either deferrs or makes a decision about the case and informs the soldier of the results and submits their recommendations to the Convening Authority (usually a senior commander).
  • The soldier is allowed an appropriate time for rebuttal (usually two working days).
  • The board Convening Authority will review the board recommendations and soldier rebuttal (if any), then make a decision about the case.
  • After the Convening Authority has reached a decision, the soldier is notified through the chain of command. The chain of command carries out the directions of the Convening Authority.
  • If the soldier does not agree with the decision of the Convening Authority, there are several appeal options (depending on a variety of circumstances). Seek appropriate legal council for the appropriate action if you choose to appeal.

See related links for a more detailed briefing on the process.

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