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Q: What is the phonetic description of the second sound in the English word 'cheese'?
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What is the second most popular cheese?

I would say that the second most popular cheese is mozzarela, and the first most popular is cheddar.

Correct pronunciation of indigenous?

Meaning "native" or "local in origin," the term "indigenous" can be easily pronounced by the native speaker of English. Put in simple phonetic form and with stress upon the second syllable, the correct pronunciation is as follows: "in-DIH-jeh-nuss."

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Does again have the schwa sound?

Most speakers of American English pronounce "again" like /ə.ˈgɛn/ (in the International Phonetic Alphabet), which contains the schwa sound in the first syllable. Some dialects (such as those in the southern US) may pronounce it with a more U-like sound, e.g. /ʌ.ˈgɛɪn/ (in the International Phonetic Alphabet), with a different vowel in the second syllable as well. Still, most standard pronunciations do contain the schwa.

Where is cheese for the second time on toonix?

he is in the garden on a cloud

Where is the cheese the second time on toonix?

he is in the garden on a cloud

What percent of the world likes cheddar cheese?

It is by far the largest selling cheese in Britain and second largest in USA - -

What is 'second' when translated from English to Italian?

"Second" in English is secondo in Italian.

What does segunda mean in English?

"Segunda" translates to "second" in English.

How do you spell honor in greek?

The English transliteration of the Greek term for "honor" is "time" (as in tau + iota + mu + epsilon; note that this is the singular form). The phonetic pronunciation of this term is as follows: "tih-may", with the accent upon the second syllable.

How do you pronounce roland garros?

First, I have included 2 links with audio pronunciations of "Roland Garros." This first link has a woman's voice giving a fairly realistic pronunciation for a non native French speaker to pick up on; it is spoken methodically and with meticulous clarity. This second link is spoken without regard to the non native French speaker. It is a male voice speaker the name as I am sure most Frenchmen would if spoken in the middle of a sentence in conversation with another native French Speaker. I have also put together an English language phonetic spelling of the term: ʁɔlɑ̃ ɡaʁɔs --- is the French phonetic spelling of Roland Garros. The link below is how to convert the French phonetic to English phonetic.

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