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Q: What is the occupation of the majority of members of congress and why?
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What is the dominant occupation of most members of congress?

I believe that most of them are attorneys.

What is the most common former occupation of members of congress?

You fail at doing your class work..

Majority of congress required for session?

A simple majority is required for a session of Congress. This is known as a quorum. Since the Senate has 100 members, 51 of them must be present. And since the House has 435 members, 218 must be present.

In order to do business Congress must have a majority of its members present This is called a?


What is the current majority vote needed to raise taxes in Congress?

As of 2014, the current majority vote needed to raise taxes in Congress is two thirds. There are approximately 535 voting members in the United States Congress.

Wilmot Proviso revealed that members of Congress?

That the House was divided but with a majority favoring the abolition of slavery.

The political party with the most members in each house of Congress is called the?

It is called the majority party.

Does the person running for secretary of interior have to be approved by congress?

yes it must be approved by a majority of the members.

What is the political party in congress with the most members?

The Democratic party, which accounts for about 34-36% of American political party affiliation.

What is the largest occupation group of the 107th congress?

The House of Representatives is the largest Congressional body in the United States with 435 members.