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Gadir, Malaca.

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Q: What is the name of the two Phoenician trading posts?
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What were two important developments of Phoenician's?

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What civilization's economy was most similar to that of the Phoenicians?

Portugal in the 1500s onwardsfor the next two centuries - it was a trading nation rather thanseeking territory, which was also the basis of Phoenician success.

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The silk road connected two major points which were huge trading posts, without it neither areas would be as prosperous.

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Two Frenchmen who explored the Mississippi River. They led the way for others to follow by setting up French trading posts alond the Mississippi River

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Edith Macy was a member of the Macy family of department store fame! put two and two together, they have had , of course camping supply departments including trading posts for the two branches of Scouting.

What roles did geography and commerce play in the econimic and political claims of the French and British in North America?

Geography played a role due to the fact that the war itself stemmed from the trading posts which connected business of the French. Ohio Forks would just be a segment of the entire French Trading Posts. On the other hand, Britain wanted to build a trading posts in Ohio due to the fact the Forks was a major river to transport as it linked many places together. Basically, the geography led for good commerce and the two countries fought for the land which would benefit them econimically and politically - as the british needed to find more land for their overpopulated colonies.