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Q: What is the name for the presidents power to turn down a law passed by congress?
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If a president does not approve of a bill passed by congress what can he or she do?

He or she can veto it or turn it down.

Why was it important that the constitution gave the federal government the federal government the power to insure domestic tranquillity?

The Confederation Congress had no power to put down rebellions.

When the president turns down a bill passed by congress?

This process is called a veto.

Can Congress veto a passed law by the president?

Congress cannot veto a law. Any law must be written and passed by Congress in the first place. The president can then veto it. Congress can override the veto with a 2/3 majority. After a law is passed, the Supreme Court can strike it down if they declare the law unconstitutional.

What does a president do if they want to kill a bill of Congress?

they talk down on it and if it gets passed they veto it.

How is power passed down in Egypt?

family or relation

Does congress limit the presidents power to spend federal money?

Yes, Congress does have the power to limit the federal moneys that are spent by the President of the United States. The president must ask Congress to fund events such as wars that the country takes part in.

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What was George Washington's highlights of presidency?

steping down after 8 years, the congress offered him presedency for life but he declined and set the standard for presidents after

What expresses power?

Expressed powers are powers written down for Congress in the Constitution.

What is the presidents power to veto an act of Congress is an example of?

checks and balances

What are presidents allowed to issue orders without approval of congress?

The President of the United States is allowed to issue executive orders without the approval of Congress. These orders however, are subject to judicial review and can be struck down if deemed unconstitutional.