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Member's of Congress are supposed to vote the "at home population's desires". Unfortunately, this has been tainted and hard to determine with the Special Interest Groups and Political Action Committees. Some, vote for what would make them money, at least for re-election contributions. Others trade votes, so they can get a piece of legislation that they have written passed. There is a vast number of things that could influence the vote on any one topic.

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14y ago
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10y ago

One way to determine how a Congress member will vote is how they voted in the past. Congress member's values don't usually change while they are in office.

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12y ago

I am taking American Government in college and this question was on a test. In the text book it tells us that Part Affiliation is the best predictor. Hope this helps

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11y ago

Education level is the best predictor of voting. Those with college level education are more likely to vote than those with high school or less.

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A Congressman's Party Affiliation

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Party affiliation.

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