122000661 is the routing number for Bank of America in Southern California. Note that B of A uses different routing numbers in different regions. The correct routing numbers can be found at the Bank of America website, or at the bottom of your checks.
6 ye
in exactly the same location as A apex
In exactly the same location as B
This is known as routing.
It is -1.2... (repeating).
6.5 is halfway.
Check the receiver or barrel.
It is -1.2... (repeating).
It is -1.2... (repeating).
Ah, don't you worry, friend. Your routing number for Netspend is a unique nine-digit number that helps identify the financial institution associated with your account. You can easily find it on the bottom left corner of your Netspend card, or by logging into your online account. Just remember, it's there to help make sure your money finds its way to the right place, like a happy little tree finding its perfect spot in a painting.