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The inauguration of a US President is both significant and important. It demonstrates the peaceful transfer of power from the outgoing President to the new President. It also reflects (most times) the will of the voting citizens in whom they want as their leader.

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What is the importance of the US Presidential Inauguration?

What is the impprtance of the us presidential inauguration

Are there other inaugurations besides presidential?

Of course. Inauguration means beginning. Governors and college Presidents usually hold inauguration events at the beginning of their terms. Almost any position of any importance might hold some kind of inauguration.

What does the first presidential inauguration timeline look like?

April 30,1789-George Washington inauguration March 4,1797-John Adams inauguration March 4,1801-Thomas Jefferson inauguration March 4,1809-James Madison inauguration March 4,1817-James Monroe inauguration March 4,1825-John Quincy Adams inauguration March 4,1829-Andrew Jackson inauguration March 4,1837-Martin Van Buren inauguration March 4,1841-William Henry Harrison inauguration April 6,1841-John Tyler inauguration March 4,1845-James K.Polk inauguration March 4,1849-Zachary Taylor inauguration July 10,1850-Millard Fillmore inauguration March 4,1853-Franklin Pierce inauguration March 4,1857-James Buchanan inauguration March 4,1861-Abraham Lincoln inauguration April 15,1865-Andrew Johnson inauguration March 4,1869-Ulysses S.Grant inauguration March 4,1877-Rutherford B.Hayes inauguration March 4,1881-James A.Garfield inauguration September 20,1881-Chester A.Arthur inauguration

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Name the importance of January 20th to the US government?

Not just important to the government but to the United States, January 20th is inauguration day when a President is sworn into office.

What is the act or ceremony of installing a president or officer into office?

This is called the Inauguration , part of which is the "swearing in" of the President at which point he repeats the oath of office as required by the Constitution.

What day of the week was presidential inauguration 2008?

There was no presidential inauguration in 2008. The US Presidential election was in November 2008, with the inauguration on the 20th of January 2009. That was a Tuesday.There was no presidential inauguration in 2008. The US Presidential election was in November 2008, with the inauguration on the 20th of January 2009. That was a Tuesday.There was no presidential inauguration in 2008. The US Presidential election was in November 2008, with the inauguration on the 20th of January 2009. That was a Tuesday.There was no presidential inauguration in 2008. The US Presidential election was in November 2008, with the inauguration on the 20th of January 2009. That was a Tuesday.There was no presidential inauguration in 2008. The US Presidential election was in November 2008, with the inauguration on the 20th of January 2009. That was a Tuesday.There was no presidential inauguration in 2008. The US Presidential election was in November 2008, with the inauguration on the 20th of January 2009. That was a Tuesday.There was no presidential inauguration in 2008. The US Presidential election was in November 2008, with the inauguration on the 20th of January 2009. That was a Tuesday.There was no presidential inauguration in 2008. The US Presidential election was in November 2008, with the inauguration on the 20th of January 2009. That was a Tuesday.There was no presidential inauguration in 2008. The US Presidential election was in November 2008, with the inauguration on the 20th of January 2009. That was a Tuesday.There was no presidential inauguration in 2008. The US Presidential election was in November 2008, with the inauguration on the 20th of January 2009. That was a Tuesday.There was no presidential inauguration in 2008. The US Presidential election was in November 2008, with the inauguration on the 20th of January 2009. That was a Tuesday.

Was Oprah Winfrey at the inauguration?

Simple question, was she or was she not at the Inauguration.

What points did Washington make in his inauguration speech?

George Washington's points in his inauguration speech included renouncing any compensation for his efforts, a promise to follow the Constitution, and to carry out his presidential duties. He also promised to rely heavily on help from the Almighty.

The coldest January inauguration happened in?

What ids the coldest inauguration?

When was the first inauguration?

The first inauguration was on April 30, 1789.

What comes first presidents election or inauguration?

Election then inauguration.