The highest denomination silver certificate was $1,000. These were issued in the series dates of 1878, 1880, and 1891. All are considered to be extremely rare and are worth tens of thousands of dollars today.
At that time the price of silver was controlled at around $1.29/oz so each bill would have been redeemable for about 775 troy ounces of metal!
High-denomination silver certificates were discontinued in the late 19th century. In the 20th century the most common denominations were $1 and $5, although some $10 SC's were printed as well.
Printing of silver certificates and their redemption for silver metal ended in the 1960s when the price of silver was deregulated.
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It's a novelty item and not a genuine bill.The US didn't print any banknotes dated 1932The highest-denomination silver certificate was $1000The highest-denomination bill of any kind was $100,000 and these weren't used in general circulation.
Please check again and post a new question. The highest denomination silver coin in 1927 was $1. In fact, the U.S. never struck a silver $5 coin. There were $5 silver certificate bills but none are dated 1927.
No such (US) bill exists. Silver certificates were last issued in 1964, and the $500 bill was last issued with the series of 1934A. Furthermore, the highest denomination silver certificate issued was $10, higher denomination certificates were either United States Notes, Federal Reserve Notes or Gold Certificates.
Not at all! Silver certificates were redeemable at banks for silver metal in an amount equal to their denomination. The smallest silver certificate has a denomination of $1 so it was equal to 4 quarters. During the 20th century, there were also $5 and $10 silver certificates and during the 19th century silver certificates were printed in every denomination from $1 to $1000.
The value of the 5 dollar 1936 silver certificate is not available because there was no certificate of this denomination issued in 1936. The certificate is most likely a fake.
More information is needed because blue-seal silver certificates were issued for many decades and in different denominations. Please check your bill's date and denomination, then look for questions in the form ""What is the value of a [date] US [denomination] dollar silver certificate?"; e.g. "What is the value of a 1953 US 10 dollar silver certificate?"
Hi, what is the denomination of the bill? What condition is the bill in?
It is impossible to answer without knowing the condition and the denomination.
Normally it would be necessary to have its denomination but the only bill fitting that description is a $1 silver certificate. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1935 D US 1 dollar silver certificate?" for detailed information.
Three different denominations of silver certificates are dated 1896. Please determine what you have, then look for the questions "What is the value of an 1896 US [denomination] dollar silver certificate?" for specific information.
You didn't provide the denomination, but the only silver certificate with that date and series letter is the 1953-A $5 note. Its retail value range is $8.-$10. depending on condition. If that's not what you have please post a new question with the bill's denomination.
I cannot find any references to any denomination of silver certificate issued with that date. Could you provide better information, including a description of your bill?