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Concentrate must be purified and refined before it yields copper that is ready for manufacturing applications.

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Q: What is the final step in producing copper?
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Zambia is currently 9 or 10 in ranking of copper producing countries.

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Chile is the world's largest producer of copper.

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The first step is extracting copper from its ore, including the sulphate, to remove waste constituents like limestone and silica so that the copper and other minerals of value are concentrated into a product containing between 20 and 30 percent copper. The second step is to smelt (blast furnace with coal) or leach (reacting with an acid then using electrolysis) the product which also removes a large amount of impurity elements like iron and for sulphide ores, sulfur. The final step, refining, removes the last traces of the impurity elements and produces a copper product of 99.99 percent purity.

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The final step when constructing a briefing is to rehearse with a knowledgeable person.

What is final step when constructing a briefing?

The final step when constructing a briefing is to rehearse with a knowledgeable person.

What is the final step when constructing a briefing?

The final step when constructing a briefing is to rehearse with a knowledgeable person.

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The final step when constructing a briefing is to rehearse with a knowledgeable person.

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What is the name of the location where the final step of the nitrogen cycle is performed?

Like all cycles, the nitrogen cycle is circular or cyclical and has neither a beginning nor an end. There is no "final step" or you could say that each step could be considered the "final step" or the "first step".

Where are the largest copper deposits in the US?

Arizona has the largest copper deposits in the United States. The top copper producing states in 2012 from the greatest to the least were Arizona, Utah, New Mexico,Nevada, and Montana. Other minor copper producing states were Alaska, Idaho, and Missouri.

What is the balanced equation of copper producing copper oxide due to the prescence of moist air?

2Cu + O2 yields 2CuO