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A POA is a Power of Attorney: a document executed by an individual giving another individual the authority to act on their behalf.

An HOA is an organization set up to manage a particular residential community.

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10mo ago

Under Arizona law, a POA (Property Owners Association) refers to an organization responsible for managing and maintaining common areas of a planned community or subdivision. It typically has the authority to enforce covenants, collect assessments, and establish rules and regulations. On the other hand, an HOA (Homeowners Association) is a type of POA that specifically governs single-family homes or townhomes within a community. The main difference is that while all HOAs are POAs, not all POAs are necessarily HOAs.

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Nothing. They're the same exact thing. As long as the HOA has dwelling coverage on all the buildings this is all you need.

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Read your governing documents to determine the boundary that defines ownership of the strip in question. If the HOA owns it, the HOA is responsible for its maintenace. If not, then whoever owns it is responsible.

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These terms require interpretation. The association's counsel is best prepared to define these terms within the context of the association in question. There is no standard.

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Yes, an HOA can refuse to issue an estoppel letter if certain conditions are not met. These conditions typically include unpaid fees or violations of HOA rules. It's important to review the HOA's governing documents to understand the specific circumstances under which they may withhold an estoppel letter.

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It depends on the specific rules and regulations of the homeowners association (HOA) in question. Some HOAs may require homeowners to pay dues even if their home is under construction, while others may exempt them from paying until the construction is complete. It is important to review the HOA's governing documents or consult with the HOA directly to determine their specific policies regarding dues for homes under construction.

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What can the hoa withhold?

Read your governing documents to determine when the HOA has the power to 'withhold', and what the HOA has the power to withhold.There is no standard.

Can a developer be in charge of the HOA?

If the community/development is still under construction, it is VERY customary for the developer to control the HOA. Usually it is only after the developer has finished building the community that he relinquishes his interest in the community to a totally elective body.

How tall is Hoa Xuande?

Hoa Xuande is 176 cm.

When was Truong My Hoa born?

Truong My Hoa was born in 1945.

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Thanh Hoa was created in 1994.