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They're the same thing. The official title is "Certified Nursing Assistant" (CNA). This title has many variants, such as "Certified Nurse Aide" or "Nurse Aide". A CNA is under the supervision of a Registered Nurse (RN) or Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN).

Note that A CNA is different from a "Home Health Aide" (HHA). A HHA requires less education.

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Q: What is the difference between a Certified Nursing Assistant and a Certified Nurses Aide?
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Registered Medical Assistant vs. Certified Medical Assistant are the same thing. The only real difference is the organization issuing the credentials. Note that a Certified Medication Aide, or Certified Medication Assistant (also abbreviated as CMA) is different.

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CNA stands for Certified Nurses Assistant. The Certified highlights the fact that these are medical worker is certified by their state to have certain qualification that make them fix for working in long-term care facilities. So there is no difference between a CNA and a licensed CNA since they are both certified.

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Basically, what you are asking is whether professional certification is the same as registration. The answer is yes.YES! In principle, being certified is the same as being registered. In both cases, a person must pass a standardized certification exam to document their theoretical knowledge of professional skills. By passing the certification exam, the professional has proven their knowledge in their field, and earned the right to use a specific credential such as MLT (Medical Laboratory Technician), or RMA (Registered Medical Assistant).Usually, the only difference between the credentials is that they have been verified through different certifying bodies. Some have chosen to grant a "registered..." credential, some give the "certified..." credential, mostly to distinguish one from the other (e.g. Certified Medical Assistant, vs. Registered Medical Assistant). However, both are certified as such.For more on medical assistant certifications, and what they mean visit - Advanced Medical Assistant Career Guide.

Certified Nursing Assistant Schools?

Perhaps you're planning to work as a certified nursing assistant (CNA) while attending school to become a registered nurse. Or maybe your ultimate goal is to establish a permanent career in the certified nursing field. Regardless of where your long-term career goals may lead, the first step in the process of becoming a CNA is investigating your options for certified nursing assistant schools.Certified Nursing Assistant ProgramsCNA programs are available from local vocational schools, community colleges, online trade schools, and even local hospitals. The typical CNA program takes between six and twelve weeks to complete, though state requirements and the area of medical practice in which you intend to work can influence the duration, intensity and complexity of training.Typical CNA Program CurriculumRegardless of which certified nursing assistant schools you're considering, the basic curriculum will include courses covering body mechanics, anatomy, physiology, nutrition, personal care, basic health care, and interpersonal communication skills. Students are also required to complete practical, hands-on training in a clinical setting.The Certified Nursing AssistantCertified nursing assistant schools train students to provide competent care for their patients. Additionally, the classroom and clinical training students receive in a CNA program prepares them to pass the mandatory, state-level certification exam.The CNA exam covers twenty-one core competencies required of all nursing aides. Competencies include emergency procedures, maintenance techniques for ensuring a healthy environment for patients, and taking and accurately recording vital signs for patients in your care, among others.Accredited CNA ProgramsThough there are a broad range of schools now offering CNA programs, it's advisable you select a program that is accredited under the Allied Health System. Doing so increases your chances of receiving the most well rounded training possible. Since certification requirements vary from state-to-state, selecting a school accredited by the Allied Health System also helps ensure the training you receive adequately prepares you for the specific certification requirements in the state in which you live and intend to work.To learn more about certified nursing assistant training, or to review a list of certified nursing assistant schools accredited by Allied Health, visit

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One of the differences is that a diploma in accounting from a certified institution will make you an "Assistant Accountant". Also you cannot be an auditor with a diploma. ~G