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The command is 'Ready, To!' in a verbal situation. When using the boatswain's pipe it is two short blasts. Often used when passing another ship to show respect.

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10mo ago

To drop a navy salute, the command is usually "Carry On" or "At Ease." These commands indicate that the saluting person can relax and return to their normal position.

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Do you salute the secretary of the navy?

Yes--if you serve on active duty in the military. Not, however, if you are a civilian. The Secretary in charge of the Cabinet-level Executive Department Of Defense is only required to receive salutes from active-duty personnel of the United States armed forces.

When does a Navy vessel dip its ensign?

In return to this form of salute

Why do the Cub Scouts say 2 after the Pledge of Allegiance?

The salute is a two part movement. The first part is when the hand is raised. It is done on the command "scout salute" instead of saying "one". The arm is dropped when the order "two" is given.

When was Navy Warfare Development Command created?

Navy Warfare Development Command was created in 1998.

When does a US Navy vessel dip its ensign?

In return to this form of salute

Why do you say two when ending a flag ceremony?

Two is the signal to drop the salute, but remain at attention. Two, meaning the second part of a two part salute. One is the salute, Two is dropping the salute.

Why the is salute of the Indian Navy different?

The officers and sailors of the Indian Navy often have to work with machinery that makes their hands soiled and greased. When they salute to their superiors, the dirt should not be seen. Hence, the palm is turned inwards.

When referring to the navy what does the term command mean example What is your command in the navy?

In most military branches, a command is simply a unit which you are in charge of. For a ship's captain, his vessel would be his command.

What is the motto of United States Navy Recruiting Command?

The motto of United States Navy Recruiting Command is '"America's Navy - A global force for good"'.

What is the difference between a Royal Navy and a British Army salute?

None, to my knowledge..........................

Do officers of equal rank salute each other?

Yes. It is customary for junior officers to salute more senior officers. They also salute officers wearing command insignia and everyone, officer or enlisted salute anyone wearing the medal of honor.