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The budget of Library of Congress is 613,496,414 dollars.

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Q: What is the budget of Library of Congress?
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What agencies are maintained by the legislative branch?

General Accounting Office, Printing Office, Library of Congress, and the Congressional Budget Office

Is it true that the Library of Congress is closing the Newspaper and Science Reading Rooms?

I can find no evidence of it. The Library of Congress website does not say anything about it, nor do the mainstream media. It may be that the Library of Congress is restricting some of its hours due to budget cuts, or closing certain rooms temporarily for renovations. The best thing to do is contact the library and ask. I enclose the link to contact them.

What is the difference congress and ashurbanipals libraries?

The Library of Congress is Americas. The Ashurbanipal is Ancient Mesopotamia's. The Library of Congress is the Largest Library in the world. Ancient Mesopotamia isn't. The Library of Congress is more up to date then the Ashurbanipal Library. The Library of Congress has photos. Ashurbanipal Library doesn't. The Library of Congress was made for congress the Ashurbanipal Library wasn't.

How often does congress approves a budget?

Congress approves an annual budget.

How do you capitalize the Library of Congress in a sentence?

The Library of Congress holds many collections.We visited The Library of Congress.

What is in the Library of Congress?

Library of Congress is in the Legislative branch.

Is the Library of Congress the largest library in the world?

Yes. The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world.

What branch of the government oversees the Library of Congress?

The Legislative branch, commonly known as Congress, which comprises the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives, oversees the Library of Congress. The Legislative branch is that part of the government responsible for making laws, establishing the budget for all U.S. government agencies and projects, and appropriating money for the military and special programs.

What is the population of Library of Congress?

Library of Congress's population is 2,010.

What is Library of Congress's population?

Library of Congress's population is 3,597.

What branch is the the Library of Congress in?

Library of Congress is in the Legislative branch.

How do you get your stories to the library of congress?

Get them published. Then they will get the code for the Library of Congress.