From 1982 to 1986 John McCain represented Arizona in the House of Representatives which is one element of the U.S. Congress. Since 1986 he has served in the U.S. Senate. The House of Representatives and the Senate are both parts of the Legislative branch of the United States government.
John McCain is a U.S. senetor John McCain is a U.S. senetor John McCain is a U.S. senetorJohn McCain is a U.S. senetor
what will john mccain do for the economy what will john mccain do for the economy
John McCain's parents were John McCain, Jr. and Roberta Wright McCain. John McCain, Jr. was a naval officer. His son John McCain was born in 1936.
juditial branch
John McCain's wife's name is Cindy McCain. John McCain's wife is Cindy McCain.
George McCain, Paula McCain, Scott McCain and Joe McCain were all part of John McCain's immediate family.
§ John McCain is a U.S. Senator from Arizona (1987-present) § He was a U.S. Representative for the State of Arizona (1980-1987) § He was a Naval Liaison to the U.S. Senate
would john mccain be president .. yes or no i wat mccain to be president
John McCain was never president.
I think whoever asked this question has no idea who the candidates are.... "John" is John Mcain. "McCain" is John McCain too.
John McCain is republican!! John McCain is republican!!