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At the moment, the B-2 Spirit is the only stealth bomber in service.

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Q: What is the best stealth bomber?
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If a stealth bomber crashes in a forest will it make a sound?

Unfortunately for a stealth bomber the stealth only applies while it is functional.

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How high can the stealth bomber fly?

The stealth bomber can fly up to 50,000 ft above sea level.

How do you unlock stealth bomber emblem?

To earn the Stealth Bomber emblem, you must call in 25 of them. Which is killstreak challenge 3.

How big is a stealth bomber?

cod 4#2 has a stealth bomber and the the game is accurate game so it is pretty big

How much stealth bomber?

A lot

What is the purpose of the Stealth bomber?

The stealth bomber is designed to be able to reach and bomb a target without being found by the enemy's radar.

How fast is the stealth bomber?

The stealth bomber has a top speed of 628 mph. It is 69 feet long with a wing span of 172 feet.

Does Russia have the equivalent of the stealth bomber?

No. Russia is still using their old bomber made in 1959. It has no stealth technology and the US has intercepted them multiple times and escorted them back to Russian air space. It has no stealth technology and still uses cannons to defend itself. This will be Russia's bomber until 2040. I doubt they will replace it with a stealth type bomber because there military budget couldn't afford it. Russia's military is under funded as it is and a stealth bomber program would be very expensive.

Where was the B2 stealth bomber designed?

in america

Who uses the stealth bomber?

Dipshits and Wankers!

When was the B2 stealth bomber made?