National city bank's routing number for PNC Bank in Lousiville, KY is 083000108
This corresponds to PNC in Pittsburgh, PA. The Federal Reserve System maintains a publicly accessible list of these numbers.
The routing number for PNC Bank (formerly National City) is 074000065. This routing number is for IN.
071921891. PNC uses routing numbers for different states rather than cities or regional areas, so all of Illinois and Missouri uses this routing number for their PNC accounts.
No still the same
072000915 << NOT the actual routing number... and thanks to whoever spread this number all over the internet as PNC's MI routing number, my tax return is probably going to be very LATE. Tha actual number is 041000124...
PNC is the name of a Pittsburgh based bank & financial services company.
The routing number is 031207607.
PNC Bank PO Box 535230 Pittsburgh, PA 15253-5230