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When doing voltage drop calculations the voltage to the connected devices should not drop below 3 % of the supplied voltage.


"Most" appliances? that a tough one there is no standard. A few percent is no trouble, different appliances have different tolerances: no generalizations are possible.

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Q: What is the acceptable percentage of voltage acceptable variance that most appliances will accept?
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When do you need to convert the voltage for appliances?

You need to convert the voltage if your appliance requires less voltage than you power supply. example: appliances is 110V and power supply is 220V.

What happens when a the electrical voltage is low?

Appliances at home have designated voltage e.g. 220 V or 110 V. When the voltage is dropped, the appliances try to run at their designated power in kW as usual. To keep the power same, current is increased (P = VI). This increase in current can burn the most delicate part of the appliances if the low voltage is experienced persistently.AnswerA drop in supply voltage results in a drop in the power of appliances. For fixed-resistance devices, a 10% drop in voltage results in approx, 18% drop in power.

What appliances would have a 3amp fuse?

Depending on your voltage supply appliances of between 500 - 750 watts

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The acceptable range of ac voltage at an outlet is from 115 to 120 volts. The utility company has a mandate to keep the voltage within a 10% fluctuation range. The catch is 10% from what set point voltage.

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What is the voltage used on most of the appliances in the US?

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for those appliances do not break immediately...........

Does the voltage that runs through different appliances vary according to the resistance of the appliances?

No, it is the current (amperes) that vary according to the resistance.

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Can you give me examples of appliances at home with hertz and voltage?

microwave oven

Is 250V a safe voltage for the 220-240v appliances in India?

Simple answer..NO.

What voltage is used in Germany?

AC voltage is 220v in Germany.Normal household appliances are 240v, some dual phase appliances such as cookers are 400v.