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Q: What is the ability to forbid a bill or a law from being passed?
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Related questions

What is it called when a president rejects a bill passed by Congress and sends it back to Congress?

The rejection of a bill is commonly called "vetoing" the bill. "Veto" is Latin for "I forbid".

How does the Representative prevent a law from being passed?

He can prevent a law from being passed by not making a bill for it.

When will the health care reform bill that was passed in the US forbid insurers from refusing people based on pre existing conditions?

It will not. What will happen is you will be allowed in Medicare. The system they took $400 billion from.

Could you provide a sentence for filibuster?

The filibuster kept the bill from being passed

What is being showed when the president vetoes a bill passed by congress?

Balance of power.

What was the patman bill and who was president during the time it was passed?

i believe the patman bill was the bill that the world war (I) vets were trying to get passed. it said something pertaining to all war vets being compensated for their time in the war. Hoover was president when it was introduced, and he passed it.

What is the term for when the president rejects a law passed by Congress?

Presidential rejection of a proposed law or bill is called a veto.

Has the kansas senate passed a bill to allow fracking on new oil wells being drilled?

The bill has been proposed but it is currently still being debated and has not been passed yet. It aims to regulate and permit hydraulic fracturing on new oil wells being drilled in Kansas.

In what year was the Bill of Rights passed?

the bill of rights was passed on December 15, 1791

What happens to the bill that is passed by the senate?

I want to know what happens to a bill that is passed by the Senate?

What happens to a bill is passed by the senate?

I want to know what happens to a bill that is passed by the Senate?

What does veto a bill mean?

Only the president may veto a bill and if he does it is not passed, however if the bill can get 2/3 of congress to vote yes to the bill then it may be passed. Usually though if a bill is vetoed it is not passed.