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The "wall" is by far the most common name for it; because it's only ONE syllable and easy to pronounce.

Other nick-names, "Vietnam Wall", "Viet War Wall", "Vietnam War Wall", to name a few.

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Q: What is the Vietnam Veterans memorials nickname?
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How many Vietnam memorials are there in US?

See: Vietnam Veterans Memorials

How many Vietnam War memorials are there in the US?

In the 21st Century, nearly every US state has one, or one in planning.

What two memorials are found closets to the Lincoln Memorial?

Korean War Veterans Memorial and Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

What two memorials are found to the Lincoln Memorial?

Korean War Veterans Memorial and Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

What is the nickname of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial?

The wall.

How many memorials were designed by Maya Lin?

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and the Civil Rights Memorial

Why do Thomas Jefferson President Lincoln and the Vietnam Veterans have memorials?

Because they all are very important to the country and they deserve it!

What is the Vietnam wall?

The official name of the Vietnam Wall in Washington, D.C. is the "Vietnam Veterans Memorial." It is also referred to as "the Wall." The figures of the servicemen by the Wall are called "The Three Servicemen." The memorial is different than most war memorials. It is not a memorial to the war but is a memorial to all who served in Vietnam, both dead and those still living.

What are some memorials in the US?

Some are the: Vietnam veterans memorial and the tomb of the unknowns. Heres a website that can show you some more http:/

When did the Vietnam veterans get their rights?

What are you talking about? Vietnam veterans always had rights.

How do you remember those lost in the Vietnam war?

To remember those lost in the Vietnam War, you can participate in memorial events or ceremonies dedicated to honoring veterans and fallen soldiers. Visit war memorials or pay your respects at veterans' cemeteries. Educate yourself about the war and its impact by reading books, watching documentaries, or speaking to veterans and their families to gain a deeper understanding of their sacrifice.

What is the theme of the armed forces day in 2005?

Vietnam veterans