Westpac's Swift Code is WPACAU2S (Australia does not use IBAN numbers) See http://www.westpac.com.au/internet/publish.nsf/Content/PBITMBFQ+Transferring+money+into+a+Westpac+bank+account
Funds will be transferred from a bank in Europe into my Westpac Business account. Please provide the IBAN / SWIFT numbers required.
The Westpac bank's swift code is WPACAU2S and its routing number is 032980.
WPACAU2S It's the same for all Westpac Australian branches.
I am a manager at TCF Bank, and we have no IBAN Code.
No, IBAN is used exclusively by European banks. To transfer to/from Australian institutions you need to obtain a SWIFT code from your bank. Would be nice if someone could give example of how to complete transfer on line info. French bank details mention: Name of account holder IBAN BASIC ACCOUNT NUMBER The account in Australia gives me a BSB number and an account number. Australian banks do in fact operate with IBAN numbers when dealing with overseas banks. According to Westpac - your IBAN number in Westpac is 12 digits - your BSB and your Account number all together. This is typed in without any spaces or dashes. In addition, most foreign banks want a SWIFT code (your Australian bank will gladly provide one.) Some foreign systems also want an alphanumeric code as part of the 12 digit IBAN - Best to confirm with the foreign bank on that one.
The iban code for BBT Bank is: BRBTUS33. However, before using this code, please contact the bank personally to ensure they have not changed the code.