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Q: What is the Average cost per acre for fertilizer?
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"How long is a string?" Seriously, an acre of land in downtown Philadelphia might cost a bit more than an unplatted acre in the mountains of Coal Country. How useful is it to know the average?

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Cost of land may be $5000 per acre.

Average cost per acre of land in Marion County Illinois?

$5.1 Till $2.5 Rec

How much 20 10 10 fertilizer per acre?

60 pounds of fertilizer, spread over the 12,000 square foot lawn, an acre is 43,560 square feet or 220 lbs +/-.

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150 bushels per acre

What is the average yield of wheat per acre in Wisconsin?

About 65 bushels per acre.

How much did an acre of land in Alaska cost?

2.5 per acre 2.5 cents per acreAbout two cents per acre.

How much does land cost per square acre in Illinois?

According to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Illinois' average value of cropland was $4,670 per acre, up 76% since 2004. As of now (August 2012), the average value of Illinois cropland has risen to $6,800 per acre.