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"Aqua Buddha" is a water filled bong. A bong is is pipe for smoking various drugs, typically marijuana.

The current (October 2010) notoriety surrounding the "Aqua Buddha" stems from an article appearing in the August 2010 edition of GQ (Gentleman's Quarterly) which reported testimony from an anonymous woman who claimed an unnamed classmate, along with Rand Paul, who was then a student of Baylor University (and is now a Republican candidate -as of October 2010- for U.S. Senator for the state of Kentucky), tied her hands, blindfolded her, drove her to an isolated area, and tried to get her to smoke marijuana.

In her words, "they told me their god was 'Aqua Buddha' and that I needed to bow down and worship him."

This reference to "Aqua Buddha" then made it's way into a controversial campaign advertisement run by Paul's opponent, Democrat Jack Conway. Paul has angrily attacked both the ad and Conway as highly inappropriate for questioning Paul's faith; but Paul has stopped short of denying the incident occurred.

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