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Q: What is that Lincoln asked the crowd to resolve (pledge)?
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He asked the people to pray for him.

What did the crowd do as the British soldiers?

i have no idea! why do you think i asked in the first place?!?

How was the stance changed while saying the pledge and why?

The stance while saying the pledge is changed from mabye tired or any mood the room or crowd or group is in, to respectfull, and honoring. i had to do a report on this so this is what a teacher or anyone would like to hear. :)

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he asked Henry where he had been hit

What is the proper common collective noun in this sentence the milling crowd slowly dispersed after Sheriff Stone asked them to leave?

Proper noun: Sheriff Stone common noun: crowd collective noun: None, the noun 'crowd' is sometimes used as a collective noun, but not in this sentence. A collective noun is a noun used to group people or things in a descriptive way. What group is the crowd, a crowd of people, a crowd of fans, a crowd of protesters, a crowd of troublemakers?

Who was the sculptor of the main statue of Abraham Lincoln?

The statue of Lincoln was made by Daniel Chester French. It was sculpted by members of the Piccirilli family. The memorial was dedicated on Memorial Day, 30 May 1922. Lincoln's son, Robert Todd Lincoln addressed the crowd.

Who was the crowd Jesus was addressing for the rich fool?

The crowd was just ordinary people who followed Jesus. Jesus had been addressing the scribes and pharisees when a man from the crowd asked Jesus to settle a family dispute. Jesus told the parable as part of His reply to the man.

Did Lincoln have the band play Dixie at the end of the civil war?

yes he did IMPROVEMENT On Apr.9,1865, in the evening, a large crowd gathered in front of the White House improvising a manifestation towards Lincoln, to celebrate Lee's surrender at Appomattox. Among them there was a military band. The President appeared on the balcony and asked the musicians to play "Dixie", adding that the hymn belonged once again to the reunited fatherland.

What did the crowd do as the british soldiers approached?

They provoked the soldiers and threw things at them!

Why was it impossible for Abraham Lincoln to lose himslef in the crowd?

abraham lincoln couldn't hide himself because everyone knew him very well so they would just find him very fast.

Where did they write the Gettysburg address?

Lincoln wrote the speech himself on the train ride to Gettysburg where he would deliver it with little enthusiasm from the crowd.

What the first government?

When Ben Franklin walked out of the Independence Hall after the creation of the constitution, someone from the crowd yelled out to him. "Ben, what kind of government did you give us"? His response, "a republic, IF you can keep it". You will also here that term in the pledge of allegiance.