there are 6 kinds of them that i know of.(white rhinosare not white, in some language wide is pronounced white,so it really should be caled wide rhino because it's nose is wide & flat, great for grazing.)(black rhinos look like white rhinos except they heve a pointy top lip & are mor aggressive,it's named bleck because it was discovered near the black river.)(javan rhinos live in Asia they only have one horn unlike white & black rhinos,it is smaller then all but one of the other kinds.)(greater Indian rhinos look like javan rhinos except are biger & more blunt,there horns have a tendency to be straingly shaped.)(lesser Indian rhinos are just like the greater except it is smaller.)(sumatran rhinosare very small about half the size of normal rhinos if tnot smaller,some individuals have brown skin.)
some do
Rhinoceroses, giraffes, hippopotamuses, lions, antelopes, elephants and leopards. See related links for additional information.
Most rhinoceroses live in a group, but u can find plenty of rhinoceroses alone.
A group of rhinoceroses can be called either a crash or a herd.
Rhinos, like other animals (including some humans), will fight each other to prove they are dominant in other words, who is the biggest bully on the block.
Poachers kill rhinoceroses for their horns, which can be sold as 'remedies' that can 'heal' illnesses.
There are four syllables in the word "rhinoceroses."
The Rhinoceros belongs to the Chordata phylum.
No, they are mammals.