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1. ''We have ploughed the sea.''

-Simon Bolivar, referring to the poor results of the revolutions. 1830.

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Q: What is one of Simon Bolivar's quotes?
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What are some of Simon bolivars accomplishments?

he help get indpendence form spain.

What was Simon bolivars role in the independence movement in the spanish colonies?

He was the leader of the spanish revolution

What was Simon bolivars role in the independance movement in the spanish colonies?

He was the leader of the spanish revolution

What were Simon bolivars social and political goals?

For the Latin American countries to have independence from Spain.

Why do you think Venezuela chose to name their currency after Simon Bolivar?

It was named in Bolivars honor.

What was Simon bolivars native country?

Simon Bolivar's native country was Venezuela.Simon Bolivar's native country was Venezuela.

What was Simon bolivars opinion on imperialism?

He was against imperialism. He lead a revolution for the Latin Americans. He fought against it.

What are some quotes from Simon the Zealot in the Bible?

There are no quotes in the Bible from Simon Zelotes, as far as I can see.

How much is 5 bolivares worth?

A bolivars is the unit of money in Venezuela. One bolivars is worth 16 American cents and 5 bolivars are worth 79 American cents.

What were Simon Bolivars parent's names?

Simon Bolivar's mother was Doña María de la Concepción Palacios y Blanco and his father was Coronel Don Juan Vicente Bolívar y Ponte

What is Simon bolivars full name?

Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios Ponte y Blanco.