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Matter can be created from energy, and vice versa. When condensing matter from energy, that energy is stored in the mass, which can later be converted back into energy. Derived from Einsteins equation, the conversion is m=E/c^2. Conversion of a matter anti-matter reaction is 100% efficient.

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Q: What is mass potential energy?
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What is the maximum amount of energy the mass can change from gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy?

The maximum energy conversion from gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy occurs when all of the initial potential energy of the mass is converted to kinetic energy. This means that the maximum amount of energy the mass can change from gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy is equal to the initial potential energy of the mass.

Is mass a variable of potential chemical energy?

Mass is not a variable of potential chemical energy. Potential chemical energy depends on the types and arrangement of atoms in a substance, not on the mass of the substance.

Does an object have more potential energy the more mass it has?

Yes, an object with more mass typically has a greater potential energy because potential energy is dependent on both the height and mass of the object. Objects with more mass have a greater gravitational potential energy at a given height compared to objects with less mass.

Would you expect mass to be the most influence the potential energy of an object?

Yes, the mass of an object does influence its potential energy, especially in gravitational potential energy. The greater the mass of an object, the more potential energy it will have when raised to a certain height.

What will happen if you increase the mass of an object what will the potential energy do?

If you increase the mass of an object, the potential energy will increase.

How does an objects mass affect its potential enegry?

An object's mass affects its potential energy through gravitational potential energy. The potential energy of an object increases with its mass as gravitational potential energy is directly proportional to mass. This means that a heavier object will have more potential energy compared to a lighter object when raised to the same height.

What happens to the potential energy of an object if the mass is halved?

If the mass of an object is halved, its potential energy will also be halved as potential energy is directly proportional to the mass of the object. This is because potential energy is determined by the mass of the object, the acceleration due to gravity, and the height at which the object is located.

What do potential energy and kinetic energy have in common?

they have mass

How does mass and height affect potential energy?

Potential energy is directly proportional to an object's mass and height above a reference point. As mass or height increases, so does potential energy. This is due to gravity pulling the object downward, resulting in increased stored energy.

How do the mass and height of an object affect the gravitational potential energy?

The gravitational potential energy of an object is directly proportional to both its mass and height above the reference point. As the mass of the object increases, so does its gravitational potential energy. Similarly, as the height of the object increases, its gravitational potential energy also increases.

What will happen to the potential energy of a body (when the height is kept the Same) if its mass is doubled?

If the mass of a body is doubled while keeping its height the same, the potential energy of the body will double as well. Potential energy is directly proportional to the mass of the object, so increasing the mass will result in an increase in potential energy.

How do the mass and height of object affect the gravitational potential energy?

potential energy is mass times height times gravity acceleration; so for example if you double the height or double the mass you double the potential energy