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Illiteracy or the state of being uneducated or misinformed.

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Q: What is it called when you always use words incorrectly?
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What is it called when you use a word wrong?

Using a word incorrectly is called a misuse or a misapplication of the word.

What do you call a person that uses big words incorrectly?

A person who uses big words incorrectly is often referred to as a malapropism. This term refers to the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one with a different meaning.

What other words can be use instead of interesting?

Fascinating; is the word i normally use instead of interesting ,by the way sorry if i have spelt it incorrectly.

How can you use the word cadge in a sentence?

"People always used to assume (incorrectly) that I could cadge money from my parents."To cadge is to get something by begging for it.

Is wrong a verb?

"Wrong" can be a verb, an adjective, or a noun. An example of its use as a verb is "They wrong their political enemies by always describing them as motivated by greed."

Who said preach always and if needed use words?

St. Francis of Assisi is accredited to saying, "Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words." Uncompromising Christians know that along with action, words are necessary.

What others sports can use a football?

In Australia, the game of "Touch" is played with a football. It is sometimes incorrectly called "Touch football", but it has no allegiance to the game of football.

How do you use the word economy incorrectly?

The economy is improving.

What words to use when you are traveling?

Please and thank you are always good

What words or phrases would you use when making generalization?


What is it called when people use sentences to spell words?

its called .................

How do you use 'imbecile' in a sentence?

In an attempt to sound more intelligent, the bumbling speaker looked more like an imbecile using words incorrectly.