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Q: What is inaugural meeting?
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What is the definition of inaugural meeting?

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Who presided over the inaugural meeting of constituent assembly?

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What is an address delivered at an inaugural ceremony called?

An address delivered at an inaugural ceremony is called an inaugural address.

Which is the inaugural year of commonwealth games?

The inaugural year of the Commonwealth Games was in 1930.

Which US President had the most inaugural balls?

President Clinton; he had 14 inaugural balls.

Did Washington deliver his inaugural address in New York City?

Yes and no. His first inaugural was in NYC, since it was the capital, but he gave a second inaugural address in Philadelphia as well.

When did James Monroe deliver his inaugural address?

His first inaugural was on March 4, 1817His second inaugural address as on March 5, 1821 since March 4 was on Sunday.

Why was Lincoln's second inaugural address?

It actually was not that short. President Lincoln's second Inaugural Address was approximately 700 words in length. You are probably thinking of President George Washington's second Inaugural Address, which was the shortest Presidential Inaugural Address in history, to date.

How long was the 2009 inaugural parade?

The 2009 inaugural parade was 2 and 1/2 hours. YO

How many words was William Harrison's Inaugural address?

How many words was william harrisons inaugural address?

Why was lincolns second inaugural address is shorter than his first?

It actually was not that short. President Lincoln's second Inaugural Address was approximately 700 words in length. You are probably thinking of President George Washington's second Inaugural Address, which was the shortest Presidential Inaugural Address in history, to date.

What is an inaugural gift?
