what are the main criticism of import substitution industrialisation
what is d difference between import substitution and export promotion
export promotion is exporting morn than import when production is more there is more export to other states and countries . import substitution means substituting import from one place to other.
gererate employment
Explain how entrepreneurship can lead to import substitution and utilization of resources
protectionist policies were emphasized
import substitution(impex) and export promotion(exim)
What would be one effect of import substition on the balance of trade of a country
One way is by imposing tariffs
protectionist policies were emphasized
when i get the ans i'll let u know all
Import substitution advocates replacing foreign imports with local production. It helps in stimulating economic growth: producing product locally might be cheaper as compared to importing them, and also it leads to development of industries which creates jobs for locals.
P. Masette Kuuya has written: 'Import substitution as an industrial strategy'