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A political system in which local units of government have a specially protected existence and can make final decisions over some governmental activities, versus a federal system in which sovereignty is shared so that on some matters, the national government is supreme and on others, the local governments are supreme.

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Q: What is federal regime?
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His regime was a dictatorship.

What is a sentence for regime?

The dictator's regime is about to come crumbling down.His regime was a brutal and bloody one.

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Argentina has a democratic regime.

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The Tokugawa regime was removed by the Meiji regime.

When was The Regime - group - created?

The Regime - group - was created in 1997.

When was Quisling regime created?

Quisling regime was created in 1942.

When did Quisling regime end?

Quisling regime ended in 1945.

Use regime in a sentence?

My regime consists of fruit and vegetables

What is a sentence with the word regime?

The horrific regime has come to an end.Queen Victoria's regime is arguably one of the best in world history, let alone British history.The new leader promised a better regime will follow.He has a daily regime.