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to be forced out of something

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Q: What is expulsion in congress?
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In Congress what types of behavior are grounds for expulsion?

Flinging ones poo at another is totally unacceptable, and may result in expulsion and lawsuits

What disciplinary actions is each house allowed to take against its members?

The most serious disciplinary action to be charge against a Member of Congress is expulsion. The process of expulsion in the House of Representative and from the Senate is different.

What is the difference between censure and the expulsion of the member of congress?

Expulsion:The most severe form of punishment for a member of Congress Censure: An official rebuke, as by a legislature of one of its members

What is a serious misconduct by a member of congress which may end in that person's removal from office?

A serious misconduct by a member of Congress that may lead to removal from office is committing a crime. If a member of Congress is convicted of a felony offense, such as bribery, perjury, or fraud, they can face expulsion from their position via a vote in their respective chamber. However, each chamber of Congress has the power to establish its own rules and procedures for disciplining its members.

How can you put the word expulsion in a sentence?

I can not tolerate this Expulsion. I will take my revenge!!

What is the difference between censure and the explusion of a member of congress?

censure is when a political leader is publicly denounced for a wrong doing, but no action is taken. They keep their current office. expulsion is when a political leader is removed from office for a wrong doing.

When did Expulsion - band - end?

Expulsion - band - ended in 1999.

When was Expulsion - band - created?

Expulsion - band - was created in 1988.

What is the prefix and suffix of expulsion?

The prefix of "expulsion" is "ex-" meaning out or away from. The suffix of "expulsion" is "-sion" indicating a state or condition.

What has the author Godlove S Orth written?

Godlove S. Orth has written: 'Shall sympathizers with treason hold seats in Congress?' -- subject(s): Expulsion, Politics and government