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In the context of the natural world, evolution is the gradual genetic change that occurs within a species, eventually resulting in the development of one or more new species. We can say that species that do not evolve eventually become extinct, as they become unable to survive changes in their environment.

Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet (1744-1829) was an early advocate of evolution and believed that it proceeded in accordance with natural laws.

Another early pioneer of evolutionary studies was Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, who as early as 1795 stated that what we call species are various degenerations of the same type.

Lamarck was the first naturalist whose conclusions received much attention. He first published his views in 1801, saying that species, including man, are descended from other species.

In 1859, Charles Darwin published the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection in The Origin of Species, as an explanation of the process by which evolution occurs.


Evolution takes thousands to millions to billions of years (example: bacteria-to-man took 3.7 billion years). Cutting off a mouse's tail for a few generations does not prove or disprove evolution. Whether internal organs or exterior necks, it is all needed or not needed evolutionary continuance. Our little toes are getting smaller because we wear shoes now and the foot is not put to as much strain to need the wider five toes. Our little finger is getting smaller because we do not do as much manual labor and do not need/use it as much as before - but it takes tens of thousands of generations to completely change - we are ever-changing, and you can't see it that fast - but it's there...and you are here because of it. Jeff Vincent, CML, MA

The body is a wondrous thing. You have over 2,000 sebaceous glands in each ear canal alone, just to produce ear wax that not only lubricates the ear drum to keep it pliable and sensitive to sound, but the only Homo sapiens to survive were the ones that secretes a type of ear wax that acts as a bug repellent to keep critters from crawling into your ear while you sleep and get into your brain. You sneeze at almost 100 MPH to clean out the nose of impurities. You produce 1.5 gallons of tears per year to clean and wash your eyes with sugar, salt, ammonia, water, albumin, citric acid, lysozynme, and urea as disinfectant (as in urine); this special combination keeps your eyes clean, clear, self-repairing small tears, and the urea keeps bacteria out of your brain as well. You burp (called an eructation) in order to reduce air from getting into your intestinal tract. You hiccup because of air near the diaphragm and the body is trying to shift it away. You pass gas, Ch4, with is the flatulence of billions of Bactria in your intestines that are breaking down your food into vitamins that can be absorbed through the wall into your blood stream. Your XX & XY sexual creation is the same in fruit flies and ginkgo biloba trees, so say hi to your cousins!

You want the lottery? The estrogen or testerone that bathes you when you are only a few dozen cells old, is either (E) C18H24O2 or (T) C19H28O2 and that chemical bath tells all the other cells that divide after it that you are a boy or girl, forever. Count up the atoms in both hormones - you are only a male or female by a five atom difference at that point in your nanoscopic life!

Our earth has evolved with its own special tricks. We used to rotate at almost 4,000 miles per hour, making a four-hour day. Now that our moon is drifting away from us (a little under 2 inches per year), our tides are slowing and as the moon drifts away we slow down. In another 3 billion years it will completely drift away, making our 23.5 degree earth axis (that makes our seasons), go to 45 degrees and a wobble that will kill all of us. But we are supposed to collide with Andromeda 2.5 billion years from now, so who cares about the moon?! Our earth is down to a spin of 1,037.5646 miles per hour at the equator, and zero at the poles, as we head for Leo the Lion at over 1,200,000 MPH. And the fact that our yellow-dwarf G-2 star will start to burn out and expand almost to earth, frying us to esssse (human ashes) doesn't matter at all.

I realize that this has little to do with evolution, but it does in the long run. We were in the Sagittarius Arm of the Milky Way 4 billion years ago when a small planetoid hit us and threw out the still-molten globular material that is now our Pacific Ocean, and some of it settled into an orbit around us, our moon. That is why it has no iron core, just basalt, which is at the bottom of all oceans. That is why the Pacific Rim has so many active volcanoes, our moon was ripped from it and it has never sealed itself completely. Hawaii sits at the middle of the pacific and is the epicenter of that long-ago removal, kind of like when you see a drop of water hit water in slow motion, and a tail comes up in the middle. This upheaval also made such a gap in our planet that our Pangaea (one continent on earth) has been slowing shifting to compensate for it ever since, now up to 7 continents.

What we now call the Hawaiian area was so fragmented that lava just kept coming up and it finally rose to the surface and became a state! During this upheaval, our solar system drifted through and out of the Sagittarius Arm, and with little blockage of debris at that point, we were exposed to massive amounts of radiation, thus the Cambrian Era of growth, and massive amounts of life, both plant and animal began to evolve much faster than normal. Finally, there was so much pant life that our oxygen levels were at 33% (now at 21%), and animals grew very large back then (dinosaurs are but one example). The earth started to recede in oxygen as we entered the Orion Arm (technically the Orion Spur), and with the comet or asteroid that hit us 65 million years ago (a meteorite once it touched earth) all large plants and animals had a very difficult time living.

Our human ancestor, the tree shrew, 70,000,000 years ago, has been proven to be our earliest mammalian relative by DNA (DNA findings now accepted in all courts), so we are stuck with a little tree rat being our beginnings. Oh well, let them come through the Eons and be called primates. We split off 27,000,000 years ago, and through a shifting of the earth's axis and the droughts caused by it, we were forced to go North and seek out better living conditions. Our skin lightened, our peni shortened, as it was no longer used as a naked selection of virility by the female, and we started to gather grains, which saturated our blood and created a new blood type (A) some 12,000 years ago, then vegetables were grown in large amounts, creating a different blood type again (B), and last, fruit was finally mass produced in orchards in Rome and Greece, quickly spreading and yet another blood type came about (AB). the original blood type O that had a hibernation gene in it was not as prevalent then and not so many later struggled with weight problems as most O's do today.

With the tilting of our axis, causing ice age after ice age, and only the smartest surviving, we become what we are today. We call it global warming, but it's really just coming out of, or going back into another ice age; heating up and thawing out; it made up what we are today.

Evolution is everything that you are today, from that Neandathral that mated with a Homo habilis, to a Homo erectus getting a little friendly with a Homo Sapien - you are ALL Mankind as you read this today, no matter the religion, belief, or lack there of - you are me and I am you, all within 60 generations of each other within your own race.... That little tree-like shrew is now sapient, but stupid enough to ruin ourselves with pollution....

We know that our bodies are 100% from used atoms from another form of life, passed on through the Eons and back again. It took 3.7 billion years to go from algae to Man, but now it only takes one year to go from a whale, to a Japanese whaler, to canned meat, consumed by a person, defecated out and used as fertilizer (popular business in Asia), that fertilizer absorbed into a plant, that plant is eaten by us or another animal and we eat the animal, all within one year, we ARE used atoms from all of our past. Even the granite and calcium of our past, it is us.

Evolution had indeed changed us, and before it's all over, we will be 'finalized' when we are drawn into Sagittarius A*, a Black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. But don't worry, it's sill 152,843,933,923,200,000 miles away - you can still go out for dinner and a movie. Bye - Jeff Vincent, CML, MA

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The theory of Evolution was first brought to light by Charles Darwin. Evolution is the change in particular species over the period of time to adapt to the changing environmental conditions. Survival of the fittest is the main point made in the theory of evolution, species fail to do so will go extinct.

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