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it occurs when you debit what you should have orignally credited and credit what you should have orignally debited ..... by doubling the amount in order to receive the correct balance in your tial balance

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What is error of complete reversal

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Q: What is error of complete reversal of entry?
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How do you treat error of complete reversal of entry?

ok now lets see mr smith was our debtor and he paid us cash of 100 $ and now as you know debtors are an asset so when they owe you money they are debited but when they pay up you credited them ... you debited mr smiths account and credited your sales now to correct this entry you will have to double up the amont from 100 $ to 200$ and you will now correct it by crediting mr smiths account by 200 and debiting your sales by 200 so know you will have a balance of 100 as now the entries have been balanced .

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it is a intrest which is calculated for the period starting from closing of accounting period to the date of maturity of the bill of exchange issued during accounting period. it is reversal entry

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