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Debit balance of Profit & Loss Account represents "Loss"

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Q: What is debit balance of profit and loss account?
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It would be shown as Debit Balance of Profit & Loss Account on Asset side

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Where does loss appear on the balance sheet?

Loss is shown in asset side of business as other asset because it has debit balance and reverse of profit which has credit balance.

What is the journal entry to record fixed asset disposals?

[Debit] Accululated Depreciation xxxx [Debit] Loss on disposal of asset xxxx [Credit] Asset account xxxx Entry 2 [debit] Profit and loss account xxxx [Credit] Loss on disposal of asset xxxx

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Difference bitwen trail balance and profi and loss account?

Trial balance is the statement which shows the different items in the debit side and creditside of its format and in the end (generally) amounts both the sides would be same. it is prepared to know the mathematical accuracy. its format contains: Particulars-debit-creidit. Profit and loss account is an account which is prepared to find out the netprofit(or netloss) and its usually prepared after the trading account. Format of P&L account is Particulars-debit-particulars-credit

Where do creditors go on a profit and loss account?

I'm a student myself but i don't think that you have to use creditors in a trading, profit and loss account....i think it's given for the balance sheet that you have to make after the trading, profit and loss account.

Is additional capital will enter in the profit and loss appropriation account?

Additional capital is shown under capital account of balance sheet and not shown in profit and loss appropriation account.

How the make profit and loss account and balance sheet in tally?
