A decision or opinion to which most justices agree may be called a "majority decision" or "majority opinion". When a majority agreeing to a single point-of-view issues a unified written decision, the term is "opinion of the Court."
The third person is the view that offers the reader the most information about all of the characters. It's called the 'omniscient narrator'. The adjective 'omniscient' means 'all knowing'. It's so called because information may be given on all of the characters instead of just the narrator in the case of first person 'I'.
The majority. consensus
There is time allotted for writing opinions during the two-week period following a sitting for oral arguments, and after all case arguments are completed in April of the current Term. Justices may write anytime they choose, however. First, the justices meet in a closed conference to discuss the case and take a preliminary vote. They may then attempt to persuade other justices to their point-of-view before taking a final vote. After the final vote, the Senior member of the majority (the Chief Justice is always most senior) assigns writing the opinion of the Court to one of the justices in the majority. Often, the justice who was least persuaded to the majority perspective is given the task; other times, the opinion is assigned to a justice with particular expertise in the subject matter; or the Chief Justice or Senior Associate may choose to write the opinion him/herself. Those in the minority decide amongst themselves who will write opinions. Any justice may write a concurring or dissenting opinion, or may join one written by another justice.
There is time allotted for writing opinions during the two-week period following a sitting for oral arguments, and after all case arguments are completed in April of the current Term. Justices may write anytime they choose, however. First, the justices meet in a closed conference to discuss the case and take a preliminary vote. They may then attempt to persuade other justices to their point-of-view before taking a final vote. After the final vote, the Senior member of the majority (the Chief Justice is always most senior) assigns writing the opinion of the Court to one of the justices in the majority. Often, the justice who was least persuaded to the majority perspective is given the task; other times, the opinion is assigned to a justice with particular expertise in the subject matter; or the Chief Justice or Senior Associate may choose to write the opinion him/herself. Those in the minority decide amongst themselves who will write opinions. Any justice may write a concurring or dissenting opinion, or may join one written by another justice.
A view from the air is called an aerial view or bird's-eye view.
Point of view in a case study refers to the perspective from which the case study is presented. It helps shape how the information is interpreted and understood by the reader. The point of view may influence the conclusions drawn from the case study and can impact its overall effectiveness.
The side view of a head is called a profile.
A majority opinion or widely held belief.
Asthetics veiw
In most developed countries like the U.S., women today have many roles. They can be doctors, lawyers, rabbis, members of Congress, Supreme Court justices, even Presidents. All these jobs could be called the role of "provider for the family". If a woman is married, she will have other roles like wife and mother.
Point of view is what it is called.
In a courtroom, the prosecution is most similar to the affirmative team in a debate. They both present arguments and evidence to prove their case or point of view.