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Boons are positive effects with limited duration, the counterpart to the negative conditions. The duration of boons can be stacked, but their effectiveness does not stack, except for might. For example, if a 10 second regeneration buff was placed on an ally with 5 seconds of regeneration still remaining, that ally would not gain extra regeneration but the buff would have 15 seconds remaining. Boons replace the enchantments from the original Guild Wars[1] and are designed to simplify the buff system. Boon duration is accurately added and is not rounded.

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What does boon mean?

Boon can be used as a noun or adjective. As a noun, "boon" means a benefit bestowed, especially in response to a request; a timely blessing or benefit. Example, the money Tom gave Susie was a boon to her finances. As an adjective, "boon" means convivial or jolly. Example: Julie has a boon personality.