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zahkye...or...qwayvaughn...or rakeem

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Q: What is a word with a boy name in it?
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What is the longuest boy name one word please?

The longest boy name known today is Daontranique.

What is boy from a common noun to a proper noun?

The word boy is a common noun; the proper noun would be the name of the boy or the word boy used as a name or a title, such as entertainer Boy George, the book/movie title 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas'.

Is hetal a boy name?

Hetel is traditionally a boy's name of Indian origin. It is derived from the Sanskrit word for "fire."

Is the word boy a proper noun?

No, the word "boy" is a common noun. It refers to a young male child.

Is the word boy a common noun?

Yes, the noun 'boy' is a common noun, a general word for a young male person.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing. A proper noun form the common noun 'boy' is the name of the boy.

Why does Soulja Boy say his name in every one of his songs?

soulja boy says his name in every song because his name is his favourite word nearly

What is the meaning of the word ayu?

Ayu is a boy's name and the meaning is 'joy'.

What is the meaning of the word clanco?

There does not appear to be a word clanco. The word blanco is often a boy's name in Spanish and means white or fair. It is a variation on the girl's name Bianco.

What is the dutch word for Alex?

The name 'Alex' is the same but if it is the name of a Dutch boy then it would be pronounced differently.

Who is brayan?

a boy name for a boy a boy name for a boy a boy name for a boy

Is Delphine a boy name or a girl name?

Delphine is typically considered a girl's name. It is a French name derived from the Greek word for "dolphin."

What the meaning of the word Krishna?

Krishna is the name of a Hindu God It can also very-well be an Indian boy name.