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A female master sergeant is a military rank that is held by a women. There have only been a few female master sergeants in the past but more women have starting holding the rank in recent years.

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Q: What is a female master sergeant?
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Who is the first female African American Chief Master Sergeant in the Air Force?

Chief Master Sergeant Fred Archer

Who was the first Sergeant Major of the Army?

There has yet to be a female Sergeant Major of the Army.

Who was the first female chief master sergeant in the Air Force?

Chief Master Sgt Grace Peterson

What is the abbreivation for Master Sergeant?

MSGT= Master Sergeant

What rank is higher than Master Sergeant in Philippines?

CMSgt Chief Master Sergeant is the one after Master Sergeant.

How do you abbreviate chief master sergeant retired?

abbreviate "Master Sergeant retired

Which rank has the same pay grade as a master sergeant?

Master Sergeant in the Army is pay grade E8. First Sergeant is the other Army E8 rank.

Can you address a master sergeant as master sergeant?

NO YOU CAN NOT ADDRESS A MASTER SERGEANT AS "SERGEANT"! Yes you can do this in the Army but should you address a Master Sergeant in the Marines as a Sergeant or "Sarg" your going to hear some vocal cords at high volume in your face.

Can a master sergeant take over first sergeant if he leaves?

When a First Sergeant leaves, it'll either be because they've been relieved of duty, or are about to be promoted to Sergeant Major. Who replaces the First Sergeant depends on the availability. It may be a Master Sergeant transferred from a staff position, or it may be a Sergeant First Class who is about to be promoted to E-8. You won't find Master Sergeants in line companies - Master Sergeants are found in staff positions.

If you are master sergeant in the army and held the rank as first sergeant can you retirement as first sergeant?


Where is the split in rank in the Marine Corps?

I assume you are talking about E-8 and E-9 ranks. At E-8 you become either a First Sergeant or a Master Sergeant. If you take the First Sergeant route the next rank becomes Sergeant Major. If you take the Master Sergeant route the next rank becomes Master Gunnery Sergeant.

Why do why does a master sergeant have to ask a lieutenant if he can salute the captain on the bridge?

A Master Sergeant wouldn't have any need to ask a Lieutenant this... if the Master Sergeant doesn't know this already, I have to wonder how they ever got hard striped pinned on them.