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An officer. O-5 paygrade.

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Q: What is a commandor in navy?
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NCC is the part of indian defence ministery and there is no desiganation named chairman or deputy chairman. There is a rank of jaipur group commandor and that is colonal Mathur.

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French navy refers to the specific navy of France. Navy may refer to any countries navy.

Who was the Union commandor at the Battle of New Orleans?

There was no Battle of New Orleans in the Civil War. The city surrendered without resistance once the Mississippi River forts were bypassed. General Benjamin Franklin Butler led the troops who occupied the city.

Top 10 navies of the world?

Here are the top ten navies of the world- 1.US navy 2.Russian navy 3.Indian navy 4.British navy 5.French navy 6.Chinese navy 7.Japanese navy 8.Brazillian navy 9.Argentine navy 10.Australian navy

Do ex Navy SEALs get paid from the Navy if they leave the Navy before 20 years?

Yes, ex Navy SEALs get paid from the Navy if they leave the Navy before 20 years

Who won the 1991 Army Navy football game?

Navy! 17 to 3 Army was unable to score a touchdown.