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Promoting safe conditions in workplaces

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Q: What is OSHA is a federal agency responsible for?
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Which federal OSHA agency is responsible for researching best practices in safety?

Hepatitis B

Who is responsible for OSHA in the UK?

OSHA is a US agency and has no authority in the UK. The Health and Safety Executive is the agency in the UK that performs similar functions.

Is Medicare responsible for enforcing OSHA?

No. OSHA is a different agency and they are responsible for enforcing their own regulations. That does not mean that Medicare would not contact OSHA should they come upon an issue that comes under OSHA's jurisdiction.

How hot can your office be and still work according to OSHA?

OSHA, a US federal agency, does not have regulations that set a maximum or minimum temperature for the workplace. The employer is responsible for providing a safe and healthful workplace, but that does not necessarily include a comfortable workplace.

Federal agency responsible for regulating the airline industry?

The federal agency responsible for regulating the airline industry is the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

What federal agency provides regulations to protect workers from eye injuries?

Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA)

What is the difference between county health dept inspections and OSHA?

OSHA is a federal agency and has juristiction over county health departments.

How many federal agencies makeup OSHA as a whole?

OSHA is one federal agency. It is not made up of other federal agencies. I does have sub-organizations within it, which are called Directorates, and Offices.

What is the difference in Indiana OSHA and Federal OSHA?

Federal OSHA is an agency in the US Department of Labor that is responsible for issuing workplace safety and health standards, and for inspecting covered workplaces to confirm compliance. Federal OSHA regulations apply to private sector employers of employees, and by Executive Order to some agencies of the Federal Government. They do not apply to State or local governments and most Federal government agencies, except in so far as those agencies decide on their own to use them. By a recent Act of Congress, Federal OSHA regulations now also apply to Congressional workplaces. Indiana OSHA is a state agency authorized by OSHA to operate an occupational safety and health regulatory process within the state of Indiana. Their regulations must be at least as effective as those of Federal OSHA, but they may be more effective. As a condition of being permitted to operate this process in Indiana in place of the Federal organization, Indiana OSHA is required to cover public sector employment as well as private sector. In return, Federal OSHA reimburses Indiana up to 90% of the cost of the state program.

Does OSHA work in Pakistan?

No, OSHA is a US federal agency and has authority only in the US and is possessions and dependencies. It has no authority in Pakistan or any other country, but many countries have a Ministry or agency that performs similar functions to what OSHA does in the US.

What is the federal agency that mandates local establishments to keep an SDS on file for each chemical?


What federal agency is responsible for managing inflation?

the federal reserve board