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Dwight Schrute's middle name is Kurt.

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Who was the 34th president of the US and his middle name?

Eisenhower was the 34th president. He was named David Dwight but went by his middle name to avoid confusion with his father and started signing his name as Dwight David.

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What is Dwight Eisenhowers first name?

David. Dwight Eisenhower's middle name is "David." Dwight David Eisenhower If anybody plays maplestory in bellocan and is willing to give out a set of ilbis for me, whisper in "DexlessJohn5" plzzzzz, i realy need one badly T_T

When did David Dwight Eisenhower switch his first and middle names?

Dwight David Eisenhower changed the order of his first and middle names when he enrolled at west point in 1911. He was born David Dwight Eisenhower and his father's name was David also.

What does the D stand for in Dwight D. Eisenhower?

David. He was actually baptised David Eisenhower, acquired the nickname Dwight, then changed his name to Dwight David Eisenhower. BTW Camp David, the Presidential retreat, was renamed to its present name by President Dwight Eisenhower, in honor of his grandson, Dwight David Eisenhower II.

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Hercules. Full name: Elton Hercules John. His previous name was Reginald Kenneth Dwight.

What is Elton John's middle name?

Hercules. Full name: Elton Hercules John. His previous name was Reginald Kenneth Dwight.

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Dwight Hauser's birth name is Dwight A. Hauser.

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Dwight Marfield's birth name is Dwight Hunter Marfield.