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Q: What is Asiatic Pacific campaign medal with 3 bronze stars?
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Does Richard Nixon resive any award?

For his service in the Navy in World War Two Nixon received one or two letters of commendation (sources vary), the American Campaign Medal, the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal with two bronze service stars and the World War Two Victory Medal.

Was Kennedy a world war 2 hero?

John F. Kennedy was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal for bravery , Kennedy's other decorations in World War II included the Purple Heart , American Defense Service Medal , American Campaign Medal , Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal with three bronze service stars and the World War II Victory Medal .

How many medals did Chesty Puller have?

* Navy Cross - four gold award stars (Five Navy Crosses!) * Distinguished Service Cross * Silver Star * Legions of Merit - one gold award star and Valor device * Bronze Star - Valor device * Air Medal - two Gold Stars * Purple Heart * Presidential Unit Citation - four bronze stars * Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal - bronze star * Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal - bronze star * World War I Victory Medal - West Indies clasp * Haitian Campaign Medal * Second Nicaraguan Campaign Medal * China Service Medal * American Defense Service Medal - Base Clasp * American Campaign Medal * Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal - four bronze stars * World War II Victory Medal * National Defense Service Medal * Korean War Service Medal - one silver star (in lieu of five bronze stars)

What campaign does the bronze star award have to do with?

The Bronze Star was a device added to a campaign medal for a second award of the campaign medal.If a soldier served in battles in France and Germany, he may have been in 3 campaigns. He would have been issued the campaign medal for that theater which is called the European - African - Middle Eastern Campaign Medal. The EAME Campaign medal was awarded for any campaigns in North Africa, Italy, Germany, France, etc. For the 1st Campaign he would received the ribbon (they usually did not give out the medal during the war). For the second and third campaign he would receive 1 Bronze Star Device for each campaign. This small star was attached to the ribbon. It was also attached to the ribbon of the Medal itself.There were other Campaign medals for the Pacific. The same would apply for these.This Device should not be confused with the Bronze Star Medal. This medal was in the shape of a star and made of Bronze. It was awarded for bravery in combat but it was also given out for other accomplishments. In 1947, the rules were changed to award the Bronze Star Medal to any infantryman who had earned the Combat Infantryman's Badge---signifying he had been in combat.

What is campaign medal with 1 bronze star?

Each star denotes a single campaign.

How many medals did Gregory boyington get?

Assuming that the Department of the Navy gave him everything he earned, I believe he earned: Medal of Honor; Navy Cross; Purple Heart; Presidential Unit Citation; American Defense Service Medal; Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal (I would guess three or four battle stars); American Campaign Medal; WWII Victory Medal. After the fact the services created a POW Medal which could be awarded retroactively, so he would have earned that, too.

Do you have a picture of a bronze service star?

A Bronze Service Star was a small bronze star device that was added to a Campaign Medal to indicate 5 campaigns.

What do 2 small gold stars on both the Bronze Star and the Asiatic -Pacific campaign ribbons mean All were awarded during World War 2?

They represent combat engagements or additional awards of a medal. The specifics vary a bit from award to award and service to service. My best guess would be that the stars on the Bronze Star represent combat engagements and that the two on the campaign ribbon represents the second and third award. If they are truly gold, they could actually represent ten awards, but that is doubtful.

What is the difference between a Bronze Star and a Bronze Battle Star -?

The Bronze Star Medal was an award usually given for bravery in war. It was also given out for other reasons and during WW2 a few were awarded to civilians who helped support the troops. After 1947, the Army decided to award a BSM to every infantryman who had fought in combat and was awarded the Combat Infantryman's Badge. The BSM was a bronze star that hung from a ribbon mostly Red in color with Blue stripe down the center and White on the outside edge.The Bronze Star Device was a star that attached to a Campaign Medal to designate a 2nd or 3rd, etc. award of the Campaign Medal. A soldier was credited with a Campaign Medal for each campaign, such as Normandy, Ardennes, Anzio-Rome. So if a soldier served in 3 campaigns, he would be issued one Campaign Medal for the area of the war he served in and two Bronze Stars he could attach to the ribbon of the Campaign Medal.

What medals has the USS Enterprise earned?

USS Enterprise (CV-6), during WWII, earned: 1. Presidential Unit Citation 2. Navy Unit Citation 3. American Defense Service Medal 4. American Campaign Medal 5. Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal (20 stars) 6. WWII Victory Medal 7. Philippine Presidential Unit Citation 8. Philippine Liberation Medal 9. British Admiralty Pennant (the 1st in US or British history)

What does the bronze arrowhead stand for on a ribbon with a silver star?

The ribbon is likely that for the EAME (Europe Africa Middle East) Medal or the Pacific Medal, depending on which the soldier was in. The little silver star is a campaign star, meaning the soldier took part in one campaign in that Theater of Operations, as the campaigns were defined in War Department General Order Number 33 of 1945. The bronze arrowhead was awarded to troops who took part in an assault landing on enemy territory.

What is the difference between the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart?

The Bronze Star is awarded for heroic or meritorious achievement or service in a combat zone, while the Purple Heart is awarded for being wounded or killed in action. The Bronze Star focuses on actions and achievements, while the Purple Heart signifies sacrifice and injury in service.